Psychology of baldness and negative consequences!
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/ Psychology of baldness and negative consequences!

Psychology of baldness and negative consequences!



Baldness and the psychology of baldness

There is a small million studies on the topic of baldness. But they all agree on one thing, and that is that baldness has only negative psychological consequences. People who suffer from baldness have a lack of self-confidence and more often suffer from depression, and have a lower chance of success in life.

Anyone who has experienced hair loss knows that it is a long and arduous process, especially if you have the misfortune to start losing hair in your early twenties.

Every hair wash actually means ‘counting’ fallen hair, every combing means a detailed analysis of the comb, and every look in the mirror is a clinical examination of the deepening of the locks… And there seems to be no end to it.

Psychology of baldness: Hair loss in men

In men, hair is often synonymous with self-confidence. In the process of hair loss, it gets harder and harder every day, and a lack of self-confidence occurs in all areas of social life, whether it is a job interview or intimate situations.

It is very important to understand the impact of hair loss on our daily lives, because not only hair is lost. That is the first step.
Then you need to ask yourself questions about how to deal with the problem. Perhaps the simplest and cheapest solution is to shave your head. However, for many, it is not an option, for various reasons, whether aesthetic or health.
Proper choice of hair care products, persistence and education are also very important. The best option is definitely a hair transplant, for the reason that once transplanted hair stays forever!


Hair loss psychology: Hair loss in women

Women are constantly under pressure to look perfect. With everything else expected of them, the additional hair problem is really not welcome.
A large number of women have these problems, mainly when menopause occurs or due to any hormonal changes.

The good news is that it is usually not about baldness as in men, but about a significant thinning and reduction of hair volume.

As hair loss is socially acceptable in men, this problem in women has even more severe psychological consequences. Remember - baldness is a solvable problem today!