Trichotillomania or how people leave themselves hairless?!
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/ Trichotillomania or how people leave themselves hairless?!

Trichotillomania or how people leave themselves hairless?!

Trichotillomania or how people leave themselves hairless - AHT Serbia



Trichotillomania or how people leave themselves hairless!?


Did you know that there are people who pull their own hair? And to the extent that they are left completely without it? Or at least only partially, but it seems very uncomfortable. This phenomenon, or disorder, is called trichotillomania. The word itself comes from the Greek words "trich" - hair, trio "pull" and mania - madness. So, the real "hair pulling madness".


This disorder is characterized by a long-lasting urge that results in pulling one's own hair by hand, and if whole strands of hair are pulled out, "holes" can be seen on the scalp. But it also makes people who do it happy! Unfortunately, the satisfaction is short-lived and leaves consequences. Usually, the environment tries to convince the person suffering from this disorder to stop it, but it almost never succeeds, so it is necessary to send them to cognitive behavioral therapy because it is usually associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder. It most often occurs due to disorders in the family and begins in childhood or adolescence. It affects 1% to 4% of humanity and women are much more affected.


In addition to psychological therapies, the drug clomipramine also helps, and removed hair that does not grow on its own can be compensated by AHT hair transplantation.