What is hair cloning?
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/ What is hair cloning?

What is hair cloning?



Hair loss can be an aesthetic problem for men, but also for women, with psychological consequences. However, modern medicine has been seriously dealing with this problem in recent years. In addition to the AHT transplantation method used in our clinic in Belgrade, one of the concepts for solving the problem of baldness is the latest method of hair root cloning, which British scientists have successfully tested on humans.


Hair cloning is the extraction of healthy hair follicle cells from a patient and the cultivation of multiple copies of them. These cells are then multiplied in the laboratory up to a million, and then implanted in the scalp. Implanted cells stimulate the production of new hair follicles or rejuvenate those that have stopped producing them. It is possible, by the hair cloning technique, to produce an unlimited amount of hair.

Advantages of hair cloning:

* The risk of visible scars is minimal
* No hidden side effects
* The cloning procedure itself is relatively short
* The number of healthy follicles in the donor zone is not a limiting factor
* It is effective for hair loss as well as for alopecia areata
* A successful hair cloning procedure could, in theory, give lasting results.


The difference between cloning and transplantation


Cloning or hair duplication is different from hair transplant treatment. A hair transplant can only redistribute the existing number of healthy hair follicles on your scalp, and this procedure involves transplanting from the donor region. With a transplant, surgeons can only remove as many follicles before the density of hair in the donor region drops to a cosmetically unacceptable level. When cloning hair, existing hair follicles are used so as to increase the total number of follicles on your scalp. In cloning, there are no theoretical limits to how many times scientists can multiply a follicle.